Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Pennies For Patients Update:

Our campaign has officially closed. Thanks to all of our Eagles and their parents for supporting The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Sherwood Eagles raised over $6,000 to support the Pennies for Patients campaign. Without all of your hard work and support, this extraordinary accomplishment could not have been done!!

Our winning class room, Ms. Loera and Mr. Guzman's 4th grade dual language classes, raised an outstanding amount of $1,400. They will be rewarded with a pasta and ice cream sundae party.

Thanks to all who came out to support The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Pennies for Patients Dance. We had a great turn out, lots of fun and raised over $300.

I am very proud of the great students here at Sherwood! Way to Go!

Laura Moreton, RN
School Nurse

CIS Spring Canned Food Drive Update:

During the week of March 5th-9th, CIS is collecting canned goods for the East Spring Branch Food Pantry. There are only 2 days left, so let's get those canned goods turned in!

Items accepted are: canned vegetables, canned juices, canned meats, rice, dry beans, pasta and condiments.

Of the cans collected thus far, Mrs. Sherrill's KG class and Ms. Froebel's 2nd grade class are tied! Let the competition continue! Remember, the winning class will receive a cupcake party!

Your support and generosity are greatly appreciated.

Jenny Martinez, CIS